5 Ways To Manage Asthma During Monsoon

Regularly monitor weather forecasts: Keep an eye on the weather forecast during the monsoon season. Avoid outdoor activities on days with heavy rain or high humidity, as these conditions can trigger asthma symptoms

Maintain a clean living environment: Dampness during the monsoon can promote mold growth, a common trigger for asthma. Ensure your living spaces are well-ventilated and dry. 

Avoid exposure to allergens: Take precautions to avoid exposure to common allergens like pollen, mold spores, and dust mites. Keep windows and doors closed during the monsoon to minimize allergens from entering your home. Use

Practice good hygiene: Frequent hand washing and avoiding contact with sick individuals can help prevent respiratory infections, which can worsen asthma symptoms.

Create an asthma action plan: Work with your healthcare provider to create a personalized asthma action plan for the monsoon season. This plan should include steps to manage symptoms, what to do in case of an asthma attack, 

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