Thick Brush Stroke

DIY Hair Treatments and Masks 

Thick Brush Stroke

Nourishment: Utilize ingredients like avocado, coconut oil, and honey for deep nourishment.

Thick Brush Stroke

Hydration: Yogurt and aloe vera gel provide excellent hydration for dry hair.

Thick Brush Stroke

Repair: Egg masks strengthen and repair damaged strands.

Thick Brush Stroke

Dandruff Control: Lemon juice and tea tree oil help combat dandruff issues.

Thick Brush Stroke

Volume Boost: Beer and banana masks add volume and shine.

Thick Brush Stroke

Scalp Health: Oatmeal soothes irritated scalps.

Thick Brush Stroke

Natural Shine: Apple cider vinegar rinses enhance hair's natural shine.

Thick Brush Stroke

Customization: Tailor recipes to your hair type for best results.