7 ways to Prevent separation anxiety in puppies

Gradual Departures: Practice leaving the puppy alone for short periods and gradually increase the time. This helps them get used to your absence. 

Positive Associations: Associate your departure with positive experiences, like treats or toys, so the puppy learns that your leaving is not always negative. 

Create a Safe Space: Set up a comfortable and secure space for the puppy with their bed, toys, and familiar scents to ease anxiety when you're away. 

Routine Departures: Make departures and arrivals low-key and consistent. Avoid overly emotional greetings or goodbyes that can trigger anxiety. 

Enrichment Activities: Provide toys that engage the puppy's mind and keep them occupied in your absence, reducing feelings of loneliness. 

Socialization: Gradually expose the puppy to different people, places, and situations to build their confidence and reduce fear of being alone. 

Obedience Training: Basic training commands like "stay" and "wait" can help the puppy feel more secure and understand your expectations. 

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