7 Plants That Repel Fleas Effectively

Lavender: Not just a fragrant flower, lavender also repels fleas with its natural scent.

Rosemary: This herb not only adds flavor to your dishes but also keeps fleas at bay when planted in your garden.

Mint: Mint leaves emit a strong aroma that fleas detest, making it an excellent natural repellent.

Chrysanthemums: These beautiful flowers contain pyrethrin, a natural insect repellent that can help keep fleas away.

Marigolds: Plant marigolds in your garden to deter fleas and other pests with their distinct smell.

Eucalyptus: The strong scent of eucalyptus leaves can be used to create flea-repelling sprays and oils.

Lemongrass: Lemongrass has a citrusy aroma that is effective in repelling fleas, making it a great addition to your garden.

Basil: The aromatic properties of basil not only enhance your cooking but also help in flea prevention.

Petunias: These colorful flowers can add charm to your garden while keeping fleas away.

Catnip: While cats love it, catnip can be a natural flea repellent when planted in your yard or garden.

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