10 Dog Breeds You’ve Probably Been Mispronouncing All Along

Chihuahua: Often mispronounced as "chi-wa-wa," the correct pronunciation is "chee-wa-wa."

Dachshund: Frequently mispronounced as "dash-hound," it's correctly pronounced as "daks-hund."

Shih Tzu: Often mispronounced as "sheed-zoo," the correct pronunciation is "sheet-su."

Rottweiler: Frequently mispronounced as "rot-why-ler," it's correctly pronounced as "rott-vile-er."

Beagle: Often mispronounced as "bee-gull," the correct pronunciation is "beeg-ul."

Pug: Frequently mispronounced as "pug-nosed," it's correctly pronounced as simply "pug."

Pomeranian: Often mispronounced as "pom-a-ray-nee-an," the correct pronunciation is "pom-uh-ray-nee-un."

Pekingese: Frequently mispronounced as "pee-kin-eez," it's correctly pronounced as "pee-king-eez."

Chow Chow: Often mispronounced as "chow-chow" (said the same way twice), it's correctly pronounced as "chow" (just once).

Bichon Frise: Frequently mispronounced as "bitch-on freeze," the correct pronunciation is "bee-shawn free-zay."

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