10 Signs a Man Is Seriously Attracted to You

Eye Contact

He maintains prolonged eye contact, often gazing deeply into your eyes, trying to establish a strong connection.

Body Language

His body language is open and leaning towards you, showing he is engaged and interested in what you're saying.


He unconsciously mirrors your gestures and movements, indicating he feels connected to you.

Active Listening

He pays close attention to your words, actively listens, and remembers details about you.


He frequently compliments you, not just on your appearance but also on your personality and accomplishments.

Initiates Contact

He initiates contact, whether through calls, texts, or making plans to spend time together.

Protective Behavior

He exhibits protective behavior, looking out for your well-being and offering help when needed.


He may show mild signs of jealousy when you interact with other men, as he wants your attention focused on him.

Shares Personal Details

He opens up about his life, dreams, and fears, trusting you with personal information.

Future Plans

He includes you in his future plans and talks about a potential long-term relationship together.

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