10 Terrible WWE Ideas That Persisted For Years

The Guest Host Concept

WWE frequently featured celebrity guest hosts on Monday Night Raw, leading to often awkward and unrelated appearances that disrupted the flow of the show.

The Anonymous General Manager

Raw's anonymous general manager spoke via emails and a synthesized voice, frustrating fans.

The Katie Vick plot

In 2002, WWE developed a disgusting plot featuring Kane and Katie Vick, a deceased persona.

Gimmick Matches Gone Wrong

Matches like the Kennel from Hell and the Punjabi Prison Match failed to deliver exciting performances and often received negative feedback from fans.

The Brawl for All Tournament

The real boxing-like tournament in WWE's Attitude Era resulted in injuries and failed to captivate the audience as intended.

Hornswoggle as Vince McMahon's Illegitimate Son

Fans were disappointed by the storyline's denouement.

The Shockmaster Debut

The Shockmaster's infamous debut, where he fell through a wall, has become a legendary moment for all the wrong reasons.

The League of Nations

The stable featuring Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, Rusev, and Wade Barrett failed to gain traction and felt like an uninspired attempt at creating a dominant group.

The Fingerpoke of Doom

The controversial moment where Kevin Nash "poked" Hulk Hogan to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, leading to the decline of the company.

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