6 Foods To Avoid Before Going To Bed

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Spicy Foods: Spicy foods can lead to indigestion and acid reflux, which can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep comfortably.

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Greasy or Fatty Foods: High-fat foods take longer to digest and can lead to discomfort while lying down. They may also increase the likelihood of acid reflux and heartburn.

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Caffeine: Foods and drinks containing caffeine, like coffee, tea, chocolate, and some sodas, can interfere with your ability to fall asleep. Avoid consuming these several hours before bedtime.

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Sugary Foods: Foods high in sugar can cause a quick spike in blood sugar levels, followed by a crash, which might disrupt your sleep by waking you up during the night.

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Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits and their juices are acidic and can lead to acid reflux or heartburn, especially when lying down.

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Heavy or Large Meals: Eating a large or heavy meal close to bedtime can put stress on your digestive system and potentially lead to discomfort, making it harder to fall asleep.

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