7 Appetite-Stimulating Foods That Depress You

Thick Brush Stroke

Sugary Treats

 Spikes in blood sugar can result in energy crashes.

Tilted Brush Stroke

Processed Snacks

High salt and unhealthy fats can sap your vitality.

Medium Brush Stroke

Fast Food

Excess grease and additives might leave you feeling lethargic.

Medium Brush Stroke

Excessive Carbs

 A carb-heavy meal can induce drowsiness.

Medium Brush Stroke

Heavy Dairy

 Overindulging may lead to bloating and discomfort.

Thick Brush Stroke

Fried Delights

Oily foods can leave you feeling heavy and down.

Medium Brush Stroke


While it might increase hunger, it can also depress your mood and energy.