7 Hardest Dog Breeds To Train

Afghan Hound: Known for their independent nature, Afghan Hounds can be stubborn and less inclined to follow commands.


Basenji: Basenjis are intelligent but have a strong independent streak. Their aloofness can make training a challenge.


Bulldog: Bulldogs can be a bit stubborn and have a laid-back attitude, making them less motivated to respond to training commands.


Chow Chow: Independent and sometimes aloof, Chow Chows can be selective in their obedience, requiring patient and consistent training.


Borzoi: Borzois have a free-spirited nature and can be less responsive to traditional training methods.


Bloodhound: While they have an incredible sense of smell, Bloodhounds can be easily distracted and less focused during training.


Dachshund: Dachshunds are intelligent but can exhibit a strong-willed personality, making training a test of patience and persistence.


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