8 Possible Extinction Dog Breeds 

Otterhound: A rare British breed known for its excellent scent-tracking abilities and friendly nature.

Curly-Coated Retriever: Recognized for its distinct curly coat and retrieving skills, this breed's numbers have dwindled.

English Foxhound: Originally bred for hunting, this gentle and sociable breed has seen reduced popularity.

Harrier: A smaller version of the English Foxhound, the Harrier is also used for hunting and has faced declining numbers.

Sealyham Terrier: A Welsh breed known for its distinctive appearance, this terrier's numbers have declined over the years.

Kerry Blue Terrier: This Irish breed, once popular as a working dog, has experienced a decrease in numbers.

Glen of Imaal Terrier: Another Irish breed, the Glen of Imaal Terrier has faced challenges in maintaining its population.

Norwegian Lundehund: Known for its extra toes and flexibility, this breed's unique traits haven't prevented a decline in numbers.

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