Thick Brush Stroke

8 Smells That Attract Raccoons

Thick Brush Stroke

Garbage:  Rotting food in trash cans lures raccoons.

Thick Brush Stroke

Pet Food: Unattended bowls of kibble can be irresistible.

Thick Brush Stroke

Fruit Trees:  Overripe fruit emits a sweet odor raccoons adore.

Thick Brush Stroke

Compost:  Decomposing organic matter appeals to their senses.

Thick Brush Stroke

Fish Ponds:  The scent of fish is a raccoon delicacy.

Thick Brush Stroke

Bird Feeders:  Spilled birdseed gives off a tempting aroma.

Thick Brush Stroke

BBQ Grills:  Grease and food remnants attract raccoons.

Thick Brush Stroke

Rotting Wood:  Decaying wood can emit a musky scent, drawing them in.

Thick Brush Stroke

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