9 Aromatic Kitchen Plants to Love

Basil: A popular culinary herb with a strong, sweet aroma, basil adds a fresh and vibrant flavor to various dishes. 

Mint: Known for its refreshing scent, mint varieties like spearmint and peppermint are great for teas, desserts, and savory dishes. 

Rosemary: With its pine-like fragrance, rosemary is perfect for seasoning roasted meats, potatoes, and bread. 

Thyme: Thyme releases a pleasant earthy aroma when crushed and is a versatile herb for soups, stews, and marinades. 

Lavender: Besides its soothing scent, lavender flowers can be used to infuse baked goods, beverages, and desserts. 

Oregano: This herb has a pungent aroma and is essential in Italian and Mediterranean cuisines. 

Lemon Verbena: With a lemony scent, lemon verbena is great for adding a citrusy note to beverages and desserts. 

Chives: Chives produce mild onion-like aromas and are excellent for garnishing dishes and adding flavor. 

Sage: Sage has a warm, savory scent and is commonly used in stuffing, poultry dishes, and more. 

Six Tips for Japanese Beetle Prevention in Your Garden