Avoid These Harmful Hair Styling Methods

Using heat styling tools on wet hair. This can cause the hair to dry out and become damaged. Always let your hair dry partially before using heat styling tools.

Overusing heat styling tools. Using heat styling tools too often can cause your hair to become dry, brittle, and damaged. Limit your use of heat styling tools to once or twice a week.

Tying your hair up too tightly. This can put a lot of stress on your hair follicles and lead to hair loss. Avoid tying your hair up in tight ponytails or buns for long periods of time.

Tugging and pulling your hair when styling it. This can cause breakage and split ends. Be gentle when styling your hair, and avoid using tools that put a lot of tension on your hair.

 Using harsh hair products. Harsh hair products can strip your hair of its natural oils and make it dry, brittle, and damaged. Look for hair products that are sulfate-free, alcohol-free, and contain natural ingredients.

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