Discover 6 Common Misconceptions About Science

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Science Provides Absolute Truth: One of the biggest misconceptions is that science provides absolute and unchanging truths.

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Science is Infallible: Some people believe that science is always correct and error-free. However, science is a human endeavor, and mistakes can occur.

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Science and Scientists are Objective: While the scientific method strives for objectivity, scientists themselves can be influenced by personal biases, cultural norms, and societal pressures.

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Science Only Deals with Hard Facts: Science is often associated with concrete facts, but it also involves uncertainty and probabilities.

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Science and Technology Are the Same: While science and technology are closely related, they are distinct. Science seeks to understand the fundamental principles of nature.

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Science is Just a Collection of Facts: Science is more than just a list of facts to memorize. It's a dynamic process that involves asking questions, formulating hypotheses, conducting experiments, analyzing data, and forming theories.

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