Discover Top 10 web series in the world


A supernatural thriller that follows a group of kids in a small town as they encounter mysterious and supernatural occurrences.

"Stranger Things" (USA)


A Spanish crime drama that revolves around a group of robbers and their intricate plan to execute heists on the Royal Mint of Spain and the Bank of Spain.

"Money Heist" (Spain)


A historical drama that chronicles the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, exploring the personal and political challenges faced by the British royal family.

"The Crown" (UK)


 A mind-bending sci-fi thriller that involves time travel and a complex interplay of characters and timelines in a small German town.

"Dark" (Germany)


This series follows Colombia's Medellín and Cali drug cartels and law enforcement efforts to bring them down.

"Narcos" (USA/Colombia)


Based on George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series, this epic fantasy series weaves intricate political intrigue, power struggles, and dragons.

"Game of Thrones" (USA)


Follow the transformation of a mild-mannered chemistry teacher into a ruthless methamphetamine manufacturer and criminal mastermind.

"Breaking Bad" (USA)


A witty and unconventional comedy-drama that offers a glimpse into the life of a young woman as she navigates love, family, and personal struggles.

"Fleabag" (UK)


An anthology series that explores the dark and thought-provoking aspects of modern society and technology in standalone episodes.

"Black Mirror" (UK)


A Mexican dramedy that revolves around a dysfunctional family who owns a prestigious flower shop, revealing secrets and scandals.

"La Casa de las Flores" (Mexico)

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