Explore The 5 Varieties Of Chicken Egg Colors 

Eggs with white shells are commonly laid by breeds like Leghorns. Their clean and neutral appearance is a popular choice in many households.

White Eggs

Breeds such as Rhode Island Reds and Plymouth Rocks lay brown eggs. The earthy and warm tones of brown eggs are a familiar sight in grocery stores.

Brown Eggs

Certain breeds, like Araucanas and Ameraucanas, produce eggs with distinctive blue or blue-green shells, adding a touch of uniqueness to your egg carton.

Blue Eggs

Created by a cross between blue egg-laying and brown egg-laying breeds, olive-eggers, like the Easter Egger, lay eggs with greenish hues that vary in shade.

Green Eggs

Breeds such as Marans lay eggs with dark brown shells speckled with lighter spots, giving them a rustic and charming appearance.

Speckled Eggs

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