Red Eyes Home Remedies: Top 6 Easy and Effective

Cold Compress

Apply a cold compress or a clean, damp cloth to your closed eyes for a few minutes to reduce redness and soothe irritation.

Artificial Tears

Use over-the-counter lubricating eye drops (artificial tears) to keep your eyes moist and relieve redness caused by dryness.

Cucumber Slices

Place chilled cucumber slices on closed eyes for around 10 minutes to cool and refresh your eyes, reducing redness.

Chamomile Tea

Soak chamomile tea bags in warm water, let them cool, and then place them over your eyes to alleviate redness and inflammation.

Rose Water

Apply a few drops of pure rose water to your eyes using a clean dropper to help reduce redness and discomfort.

Potato Slices

Thinly slice a raw potato and place the slices on your closed eyes for about 15 minutes to soothe redness and puffiness.

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