The World's Seven Oldest Capitals

Damascus, Syria

One of the oldest continually inhabited towns, Damascus was the capital of several empires and civilizations.

Varanasi (Benares), India

One of the world's oldest inhabited cities, Varanasi is considered the spiritual capital of India and has a history spanning over 3,000 years.

Athens, Greece

The capital of ancient Greece, Athens is often referred to as the cradle of Western civilization and has been inhabited for several millennia.

Rome, Italy

Rome, the ancient capital of the Roman Empire, is one of the world's most famous cities.

Beijing (Peking), China

With a history that dates back over 3,000 years, Beijing has served as a capital for various Chinese dynasties and empires.

Cairo, Egypt

Home to the ancient civilization of Egypt, Cairo has a rich history spanning thousands of years and has served as a capital for various Egyptian dynasties.

Delhi, India

With a history stretching back to ancient times, Delhi has been the capital of numerous Indian empires and dynasties, making it one of the world's oldest capitals.

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