These 5 Dog Myths Are Completely False


Dogs age seven years per human year: False. Dog aging depends on breed and size. A better estimate is that a dog's first year is 15 human years, the second nine, and each year after that five.


Wagging tails indicate friendliness: Wagging tails can suggest contentment, friendliness, worry, fear, or hostility. To comprehend a dog's emotions, evaluate other body language and context.


Dogs are color blind: Dogs are not completely color blind. While they may not see colors as vividly as humans do, they can perceive certain colors, especially shades of blue and yellow.


Dry nose means sick dog: Dogs with dry noses aren't sick. Weather and activity levels might impact a dog's nose's moisture.


Dogs eat grass only when they are sick: Dogs may eat grass for various reasons, including to aid digestion, as a form of self-medication, or simply out of curiosity. It's not solely a behavior related to illness.

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