Things That Will Vanish With the Baby Boomer Generation

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Traditional Pension Plans: Many Baby Boomers enjoyed access to traditional defined-benefit pension plans through their employers.

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Printed Newspapers: The decline of print media is accelerated by the digital age, and with the Baby Boomer generation passing, the demand for printed newspapers is likely to decrease even further.

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Landline Phones: Baby Boomers have been familiar with landline phones for most of their lives. However, as mobile phones have become ubiquitous, landlines are rapidly disappearing from households.

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Traditional TV Cable Services: Cable television has been a staple for many Baby Boomers, but as streaming services become more popular, traditional cable TV services might decline.

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Paper Checks: Writing and receiving paper checks for payments and transactions have been a common practice for Baby Boomers.

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Certain Healthcare Practices: Baby Boomers have experienced healthcare in a different era, and as they age, certain medical practices might evolve.

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