Top 8 Foods Responsible For itching

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Shellfish: Shellfish allergies are common and can lead to itching, hives, and even more severe allergic reactions.

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Nuts: Peanuts and tree nuts can cause allergic reactions, including itching, in individuals with nut allergies.

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Eggs: Egg allergies can cause skin reactions, including itching and hives, in people who are allergic.

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Dairy: Some people may be sensitive to dairy products, leading to skin irritation and itching.

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Wheat: Wheat allergies or sensitivities can cause skin symptoms, such as itching, as well as gastrointestinal issues.

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Soy: Soy allergies can trigger various allergic reactions, including skin itching.

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Fish: Similar to shellfish, fish allergies can lead to skin symptoms like itching.

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Food Additives: Certain food additives, such as artificial colors, preservatives, and flavor enhancers, might cause itching and skin reactions in some individuals.

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