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7 Valuable Things to Look for at Goodwill Store


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Are you looking to save money while finding unique and valuable items? Goodwill stores offer a treasure trove of hidden gems that can enhance your home and lifestyle without breaking the bank. Here are seven valuable things to look for during your next visit to Goodwill!


Mixing and matching dishes is a trendy way to add personality to your table settings. By shopping at Goodwill, you can find a variety of dishware options at affordable prices, saving you money on purchasing a complete dinette set.

Vintage Canning Jars

Vintage Mason jars, particularly those by Ball, hold both sentimental and monetary value. Collectors often seek out these blue-hued jars, making them a valuable find at thrift stores like Goodwill.

Picture Frames

Don’t overlook picture frames with less-than-appealing artwork. Instead, focus on the quality of the frame itself. Goodwill often carries a selection of beautiful frames that can be repurposed to display artwork or photos you love.

Wooden Furniture

Solid wood furniture can be expensive when purchased new, but thrift shops like Goodwill offer a more budget-friendly option. Look for wooden desks, dressers, chairs, and benches that provide both style and durability.

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Colored Pyrex

Fans of vintage kitchenware will appreciate the colorful Pyrex bowls and dishes often found at Goodwill. These retro pieces add a pop of color to your kitchen and are highly sought after by collectors.

Cast-Iron Cookware

Investing in cast-iron pots, pans, and skillets from Goodwill can save you money while providing high-quality cookware that lasts a lifetime. Even if they’re in rough shape, cast-iron cookware is easy to restore to its former glory.


Thrift shops are a treasure trove for book lovers, offering a wide selection of well-known titles at affordable prices. Explore the shelves at Goodwill to find books that will keep you entertained and informed for hours on end.

Next time you visit Goodwill, keep an eye out for these seven valuable items that can enhance your home and lifestyle without breaking the bank. From dishware and furniture to collectible jars and cookware, you never know what treasures you’ll uncover at your local thrift store!

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