7 Inventions That Killed Their Creators 


Inventor of leaded gasoline and CFCs, Midgley suffered from lead poisoning and died from strangulation in a device he created to assist with his disability.

Thomas Midgley Jr. and leaded gasoline


Curie's extensive exposure to radiation during her groundbreaking research on radioactivity led to her developing aplastic anemia, ultimately causing her premature death.

Marie Curie and radiation research


Lilienthal, a pioneer in aviation, died from injuries sustained in a glider crash during a test flight, highlighting the risks involved in early aviation experimentation.

Otto Lilienthal and glider design


Co-inventor of the Stanley Steamer, Stanley suffered a fatal car accident while driving one of his vehicles, demonstrating the dangers of early automobile technology.

Francis Edgar Stanley and steam-powered car


Bullock, creator of the rotary printing press, died from an infection after a foot injury while working on one of his machines.

William Bullock and rotary printing press


Hunley, the inventor of the first combat submarine, perished in his third test run disaster, demonstrating the perils of early submarine technology.

Horace Lawson Hunley and submarine design


Soucek, an inventor and stuntman, sadly perished when a barrel-shaped capsule built to shield him during a Niagara Falls jump failed.

Karel Soucek and stuntman capsule

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10 Car Maintenance Myths that Are False

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